NH Committee, heading to National Meeting?

National Constitution Party meeting is being held in St. Louis in April 2023

The New Hampshire Constitution Party Committee members have hit the ground running to get everything together so New Hampshire can be acknowledged at by the National Constitution Party in their 2023 spring meeting in St. Louis. This has been no easy feat but they have are organized and focused. Dozens of to-do’s have been checked off their lists, every day new task are completed by the very diverse group and they are one step closer to finishing up and hosting their first big public event.

Are you new to the concept of the Constitution Party? You aren’t alone. Well, back in 1992, a number of independent state parties united to form the U.S. Taxpayers Party. In 1999, at its national nominating convention, delegates chose to change the party name to the “Constitution Party,” to better reflect the party’s core belief in the principles of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, as well as their commitment to re-establishing the Supreme Law of the Land as embodied in the Constitution. By 2004 the Party had grown enough to have ballot access on 41 states! There have been Constitution Party members in New Hampshire for years, but only now are we finally organizing and being officially recognized on a national level. Our goals are to spread education about our unalienable rights to people of all ages, to spark pride in our country and state among all citizens, and to get those well educated, America loving citizens elected into positions where they will keep our freedoms and liberty alive and well.

If this piques your interest head over to our website and sign up to get involved! Sign up here (Sign up form is also easily found on the OFFICIAL website CPofNH.com)

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