May 2024 Newsletter

National Presidential Nominating Convention & Committee Meeting
The CPNH Delegates and National Committee Members drove to Salt Lake City, Utah, last week to attend the National Presidential Nominating Convention and Committee Meeting and boy, do we have some exciting updates!!The first two days of the four-day convention were spent in meetings – reviewing state credentials, going over the rules of the convention, and looking at proposals to update the Party Platform. There were so many good issues raised, and it was great to be surrounded by such passionate and intelligent constitutionalists! The NH crew attended every meeting to get as up to speed as possible with how they structure their conventions and how things are run. It was also a great crash course on Parliamentary Procedure/Robert’s Rules of Order! The second two days were full of voting, speeches, and musical performances by local groups. We heard from 7 of 8 Presidential Nominees, from Donna Brandenburg (MI State Vice Chair & Owner of Brandenburg News Network) about election integrity, Janine Hansen (Western Regional Chair and NV State Chair) about why we should be against an Article V Convention, Joel Skousen (UT member and Presidential Nominee) about the future of our country and how to recruit, Marshall Wilson (WV Candidate for Governor) on how to restore our Republic, and Ben McClintock (UT member) on how to restore our freedoms and be the WORST Global Citizen ever.
Day 2 Meet & Greet at National Convention, Salt Lake City UTAH
NH State Committee

Your vote is the currency of your virtue.-Howard Phillips, founder
Speeches from all the National Presidential Candidate:
Presidential Nominees from Left to Right: Daniel Cummings, Brandon McIntyre, Joel Skousen, Ben Stewart, Randall Terry, Samm Tittle, and Paul Venable*not pictured, Lt. Louis Hook

Randall Terry & Pastor Stephen Broden win Constitution Party Presidential Candidacy. Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue and pro-life activist plans to run national ads to target pro-abortion public figures and spread awareness about the horrors of abortion through his candidacy. Read more

Celebratory Campaign Kick-Off Dinner Pictured: CPNH National Committee Members (NCMs) Donna LaClair, Megan Schmitt, and Kristen Jackson with Randall Terry and Pastor Stephen Broden. CPNH Secretary and Delegate/NCM Megan Schmitt, National Treasurer Gerald Wistrand, CPNH State Chair and Delegate Edmond Laplante, CPNH 1st Vice Chair and Delegate/NCM Kristen Jackson, Midwest Regional Chair and MO State Chair Paul Venable, CPNH Treasurer and Delegate/NCM Donna LaClair, and former Eastern Regional Co-Chair Nicholas Sumbles.

At the National Committee Meeting on Saturday, April 27th, all new officers were voted in. Justin Magill (PA) will be the new National Chair, with Glen Miller (UT) acting as his Vice Chair. Megan Schmitt (NH) will be assuming the role of National Secretary, and Gerald Wistrand (MO), will be stepping in as National Treasurer.We also voted on Regional Chairs and Co-Chairs. Western Region reelected Janine Hansen (NV) as Chair and Kirk Pearson (UT) as Co-Chair. Southern Region elected Kevin Hayes (NC) as Chair and Dan Phillips (GA) as Co-Chair. Midwest Region reelected Paul Venable (MO) as Chair and voted in Steven Sylvester (IL) as Co-Chair. Finally, in the Eastern Region, we elected Bob Goodrich (PA) as the new Eastern Regional Chair with Kristen Jackson (NH) as his Co-Chair.Lastly, the next two National Committee meetings were discussed – the Fall 2024 Meeting will be taking place November 8th and 9th in Raleigh, NC. The 2025 Spring Meeting was voted in to be held in (drumroll please), our very own Granite State!! The CPNH team is thrilled to have a chance to host, and after the 37 hour drive home, have it mostly planned out already. We will need volunteers however, so if you are up for it, let us know! We also welcome any ideas you might have!
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, May 4th, Camp Constitution is bringing Author Vince Ellison to NH for two events – at 11am, join them at Charlies Barn in Loudon, NH -OR- at 7pm in Alton, NH at the Senior Center.
May 9th and 23rd at 7pm are the CPNH regularly scheduled Zoom calls. Please join us! We’d love to hear from you.
May 14th at 6pm, we will have John Birch Society Regional Coordinator Matthew Rhodes in Concord, NH speaking about the Great Reset. He will include some very real situations we are currently in with ICLEI, the Northern Border Regional Commission, etc. You don’t want to miss this! 14 Canterbury Rd (City Wide Community Center) in Room 3.
May 17th please join Liberty Tree Learning Centers and Austin 17 House for an open house/informational session on their new alternative learning opportunities for parents who wish to homeschool but can’t afford to lose an income stream. This will be at 6pm in Brentwood at Grace Ministries International.
May 20th is the tentative date for the next Eastern Region Zoom call. We will send out an email with info to join closer to the date.
Monday, May 27th at 7am, the CPNH crew will be meeting in Concord to join, for the second year, the Concord Veterans Council Memorial Day Parade! We’d love to have every one of you join us, so please reach out if you are interested!*
Also make sure to join New Hampshire Legislative Alerts on Facebook or Telegram to chime in on important bills!

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