Pillar One – INTEGRITY
We are committed to restoring honesty, integrity, and accountability to government.
Do you laugh when you hear a politician say that they are a person of honesty and integrity?
Do you disbelieve just about every promise that political candidates make when running for office?
Do you think that this is the proper relationship between the people and their elected officials?
The Constitution Party solemnly makes this promise to you:
We will hold all our party officers and leaders strictly accountable for their conduct. They will be held to the highest ethical standards in dealing with the public, donors, government officials, and candidates. Corrupt candidates come from corrupt parties. Honest and honorable candidates can only come from a party that insists that all its leaders have the same characteristics.
When interviewing potential candidates, a history and reputation of their character, integrity, and commitment to honesty will be just as important as their commitment to Constitution Party principles.
We will only be seeking candidates that accept and recognize that all elected officials are Public Servants. We are seeking Representatives, not Rulers.
Most importantly, Constitution Party candidates will be strongly encouraged to sign a contract with the voters that lists the campaign promises that they will guarantee to accomplish while in office or face consequences.
WHY A CONTRACT? When you deal with businesses and people that you do not know, the contract is the instrument that we use to ensure that both parties will keep their promises. Our politicians have shown that they cannot be trusted with their promises and we are not going to ask you to trust us. We will EARN IT by signing a contract that specifically lists the promises that our candidate makes and requires them to keep them.
The Constitution of the United States is a contract between the government and the people. Why should candidates be exempted from a contract?
Pillar Two – LIBERTY
We feel that: “Government is the most ineffective, inefficient, and most expensive way to get anything done.” As such, we are offering innovative and effective non-government solutions to the country’s social spending issues.
Are you tired of government spending trillions of dollars on social issues and the problem seems to be getting worse?
Do you think that we should SOLVE the issues of poverty, hunger, and homelessness instead of just FUNDING them?
Do you feel that most of the money that is taken from you for social spending is just ending up in the pockets of government bureaucrats and organizations that donate heavily to politicians?
The Constitution Party boldly declares to America that:
The Federal Government should only be involved in government roles as outlined in the Constitution. The best government is local government.
As a society, we should be solving social spending issues via non-government organizations that want to SOLVE the problem, not just FUND the problem. We should seek out those organizations that have the best solutions.
The solution is to slowly and responsibly transition America from ineffective government programs to effective non-government institutions. Our solution will ensure that recipients of current government programs are still cared for but allows for more effective solutions to be implemented.
The solution is not to simply cut funding and abandon those that need our help. Instead, we need to responsibly ensure that we fulfill our social responsibilities to take care of those in need. We also need to work on SOLVING the problems and coming up with innovative programs that will help restore American families to being productive citizens that are self-sufficient and able to pursue the happiness that America offers to all.
Pillar Three – PROSPERITY
We want to create the greatest economy for the U.S. that the world has ever seen. We will do so by restoring True Capitalist (vice Crony Capitalist) principles to our economic policies.
Are you aware that over 50% of all small businesses will fail within 3 years and that only 33% of all businesses can make it to 10 years?
Does that sound like a country of prosperity and opportunity to you?
Did you know that government involvement in business is listed as one of the largest factors for these failures?
Did you know that Small Businesses make up 99.7% of the businesses in the United States yet share a higher tax burden than the large corporations that make up the 0.3%?
The Constitution Party believes:
That Small Businesses, not large corporations, are the key to a healthy economy.
That True Capitalism is achieved by allowing strong competition among companies. In order to have the best pricing, the best products, and the best services, you need to ensure that every company has an even playing field and can fairly compete for our business.
That job creation comes from business creation and growth. Removal of restrictive government regulation, fees, and taxes combined with responsible trade agreements with foreign governments will ensure massive business and job growth.
It is both dangerous and illogical to think that we can have a sustainable economy without having manufacturing in our country. We need to start producing the products that we use if we want jobs and economic security.
Our candidates will:
Work at the federal, state, and (most importantly) at the local level to remove the strangling grip of government taxes, fees, unneeded regulations, and intrusion.
Restore True Capitalist laws and regulations which promote competition, job creation, clean manufacturing, new technologies, and WEALTH.
Constrain the Government to its enumerated powers as such that it does not impede the Liberty of the People whom it serves
Each individual possesses the right to own and steward personal property without government burden.
The Constitution & Bill Of Rights
These founding documents are the bedrock of our Liberty and the Supreme Law of the Land. The sole purpose of government, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, is to secure our unalienable rights given us by our Creator. When Government grows beyond this scope, it is usurpation, and liberty is compromised. We believe the major issues we face today are best solved by a renewed allegiance to the original intent of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Thomas Jefferson – Letter to Judge William Johnson, (from Monticello, June 12, 1823)
“On every question of construction [of the Constitution] let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or intended against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.”
James Madison – speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, (June 16, 1788)
“There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
The Founding Fathers were astute students of history. When constructing the Constitution, protecting their posterities’ liberties from the timeless, innate flaws of man and government was their primary objective. Man has and will always covet despotic power at all costs. Historically, government inherently and perpetually grows. As it does, individual liberties diminish.
The Preamble to the Bill of Rights is no less clear in expressing the defense of Liberty:
“THE Conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution.”
States Rights
Article 10 of The Bill of Rights states the following:
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
The Constitution delegated few, enumerated powers to the Federal Government, reserving all remaining powers to the States and the people. Thus, powers of the Federal were the exception. Our federal republic was created by joint action of the several states. It has been gradually perverted into a socialist machine for federal control in the domestic affairs of the states. The federal government has no authority to mandate policies relating to state education, natural resources, transportation, private business, housing, health care, ad infinitum.
We call upon the states to reclaim their legitimate role in federal affairs and legislation and thus cause the federal government to divest itself of operations not authorized by the Constitution and extract the federal government from such enterprises, whether or not they compete with private enterprise.
American Sovereignty
Among “the essential principles of government” In his first inaugural address, Thomas Jefferson deemed the following:
“…peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.”
Previously, George Washington in has farewell address, stated the following:
“It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world.”
The wisdom of the Founding Fathers, though currently unexercised, is as valuable today as it was over two centuries ago. The United States is properly a free and sovereign republic which should strive to live in peace with all nations, without interfering in their internal affairs, and without permitting their interference in ours.
We are, therefore, unalterably opposed to entangling alliances – via treaties, or any other form of commitment – which compromise our national sovereignty, or commit us to intervention in foreign wars. We are opposed to the negotiation or ratification of any treaty, agreement, or partnership that would deprive United States citizens of their rights protected by the United States Constitution. We are also opposed to any union whether political or economic, of the United States, Mexico, and Canada (NAU). To this end, we shall:
steadfastly oppose American participation in any form of world government organization, including any world court under United Nations auspices;
call upon the President, and Congress, to terminate United States membership in the United Nations, and its subsidiary organizations, and terminate U.S. participation in all so-called U.N. peace keeping operations;
bar the United Nations, and its subsidiaries, from further operation, including raising of funds, on United States territory; and
propose that the Constitution be obeyed to prohibit the United States government from entering any treaty, or other agreement, which makes any commitment of American military forces or tax money, compromises the sovereignty of the United States, or accomplishes a purpose properly the subject of domestic law. In this connection we specifically denounce the agreement establishing the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and any other such trade agreements, either bilateral or regional in nature.
All treaties must be subordinate to the Constitution, since the Constitution is the only instrument which empowers and limits the federal government. American troops must serve only under American commanders, not those of the United Nations or foreign countries.
Family is the Bedrock of a healthy Society. It is imperative that government maintains a favorable position to the divinely instituted nuclear family, not one that leads to its destruction. We believe Government has no role in Marriage.
Life for all human beings: from conception to natural death.
Everything not specifically delegated by the Constitution to the federal government, nor prohibited by the Constitution to the states, is reserved to the states or to the people.
Since the Constitution grants the Federal Government no authority over Education, the 10th Amendment applies. This includes funding.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Foreign Policy, Defense, & Terrorism
American government committed to the protection of the borders, trade, and common defense of Americans, with no entanglement in foreign alliances, is paramount. Any and all wars must be declared by Congress.
We vigorously resist the attempt by any government agency to nullify or reduce earned benefits to veterans and their survivors, including but not limited to, compensation, pensions, education, and health care.
The Constitution Party has long been the only national political party to stand firmly against the proposals for a “Pathway to Citizenship/Comprehensive Immigration Reform/Amnesty” that come out of Washington.
We believe firmly that any so-called free trade deals and/or treaties that usurp American Sovereignty and/or the Constitution are unconstitutional and we should withdraw from them immediately.
United Nations, Agenda 21, & Global Organizations
We vehemently oppose Agenda 21 and feel we should part ways with the UN and any other global agency that attempts to subvert American Sovereignty.
All Americans have equal right to worship according to their beliefs. Government is to be kept out of the religious realm.
We believe in the privatization of Healthcare and Social Security, with Social Security being phased out.
We reject the notion that the Supreme Court’s decisions are binding as law beyond those parties to whom the case pertained. Activist Judges should be impeached, as permissible by the Constitution.
The federal government’s only responsibility in preventing drug abuse is to control our borders. Drugs are a state issue.
We agree that the NH National guard should only be deployed if Congress declares war as is their role in the US Constitution.
Though we enthusiastically support home education and all efforts to make it easier for families, we do not approve of Education Freedom Accounts or school choice.
We encourage all NH selectmen, aldermen, city counselors, representatives and senators to reject ARPA funds, or any other Federal grants as they always come with strings attached, and it's the average taxpayer funding it.
Issues like environmental friendliness should largely be taken on by personal responsibility. NH should withdraw from ICLEI membership.
The NH application to Convention of States should be rescinded as they cannot limit the topics that would be discussed, and today's political climate is too divisive.
Are you new to the concept of the Constitution Party?
Well, back in 1992, a number of independent state parties united to form the U.S. Taxpayers Party with founder, Howard Phillips. In 1999, at its national nominating convention, delegates chose to change the party name to the “Constitution Party,” to better reflect the party’s core belief in the principles of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, as well as their commitment to re-establishing the Supreme Law of the Land as embodied in the Constitution. By 2004 the Party had grown enough to have ballot access on 41 states! There have been Constitution Party members in New Hampshire for years, but only now are we finally organizing and being officially recognized on a national level. Our goals are to spread education about our unalienable rights to people of all ages, to spark pride in our country and state among all citizens, and to get those well educated, America loving citizens elected into positions where they will keep our freedoms and liberty alive and well.
“Sixty-three percent of U.S. adults currently agree with the statement that the Republican and Democratic parties do “such a poor job” of representing the American people that “a third major party is needed.””
Meet the Team
2024 Candidates for office in NH:
Randall Terry, Presidential Candidate
Edmond Laplante, Governor Candidate
Kristen Jackson, State Representative
Megan Schmitt, State Representative
Currently held offices in NH:
Edmond Laplante, School Board
Donna LaClair, Trustee of the Trust Funds